
Some of our Plugins

NOTE:  After several requests to bring back this collection of plugins, I have decided to take the chance and do that.  However PLEASE NOTE that these plugins are no longer supported by their author.  And so these plugins are being sold AS IS, with nominal support by RCMedia.  We have found that these generally do not require much support, but I need to state that up front.  The author is no longer available.

On The Edge

This is a fully featured, easy to use self contained Edge browser stacked with features. Many more features are on the way.


This plugin enables you to communicate with different applications Send Texts, PlayActions, Call Subroutines.


WinTricks allows to change setting of external window(s).


This plugin helps you enhance the ability of your application by adding HotKey Gadget, DropDown, ListBox, SmartEdit, CheckListBox, RadioListBox, FileDragDrop, TrackBar/ VolumeSlider and customized dialogues with much more enhanced features.

To See More of Our Plugins